Joint 2022 USCAP-IAP Education Symposium
USCAP and the IAP jointly held the 2022 Education Symposium in Los Angeles on Tuesday, March 22nd.
Click on links to slideshows from the proceedings on the topics below.
Click on links to slideshows from the proceedings on the topics below.
- Pathology education in a slideless laboratory by Dr. Anil Parwani from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Greening the labs: What pathology residents need tokKnow about the sustainable healthcare delivery movement by Dr. Ilyssa Gordon from Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
- Transformation of pathology education- The pathCast experience; Dr. Rifat Mannan (City of Hope, California) & Dr. Emilio Madrigal (Stratford, NJ
Supplemental material provided by Kinloch, Mary : pathCast one-pager
- IT-based models for quality assurance in pathology by Prof. Dr. med. Hans H. Kreipe, from Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany, and Dr. Annette Schmitt-Gräff from the Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg Germany
- Making pathology an interesting specialty to medical students through simulation and virtual reality. Dr. Eduardo Alcaraz Mateos, Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer, Spain