IAP Ambassadors
IAP Ambassadors are highly respected Pathologists as experienced teachers who are invited to provide educational presentations and other services to under-served areas.
IAP Ambassadors are often invited to speak in underserved areas by a local Division, an IAP Assembly or the IAP Executive at a Scientific Meeting and also undertake additional activities relevant to the needs of local Pathologists.
IAP Ambassadors may also be specifically invited by an underserved Division or Country which has not yet formed a Division, for the sole purpose of undertaking educational and other activities such as workshops, seminars or any other discussion or advisory activity which fulfills the needs of the Country visited. The Ambassador during the course of the visit may teach at several institutions - Hospitals, Universities, Post- graduate centres; and he/she may also visit more than one Country.
At the request of Pathologist in these areas and sponsored by a local Division, an IAP Assembly, or the IAP Executive, the title "IAP Ambassador" will be officially utilized during the visit. Divisions, Assemblies or the IAP Executive when requesting IAP Education Committee funding will ensure that the credentials of the Ambassador will be provided to the IAP Secretary who will provide documentation to the selected persons regarding the designation and also provide appropriate information about the IAP and its programs for presentation by the Ambassador.
Up to $3500 USD (minimum $2400 USD) is currently available for Divisions and Assemblies for Education Meeting support, and for Division members who are applying for support as Ambassadors through a Personal Initiative
Amended Nov 28th, 2012 - DFH
- with minor revisions in August 2023 to include a new online webform to submit funding requests.