IAP Education Chair Home Page
I am greatly elated and honored to be chairing the Education Committee of the International Academy of Pathology for the coming term. This Committee embodies the primary mission of this esteemed organization in sponsoring and promoting educational activities in pathology with special eye on trainees and junior pathologists. Over the past decade, the world has witnessed the introduction of new technological advances that have revolutionized means of communications and set new horizons in digital imaging reaching up to artificial intelligence. There has been an added dynamic spectrum in sharing knowledge that changed the face of exchanging information. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the worldwide implementation of these technologies and thus widening the scope of the ability to organize and conduct educational events, congresses and special lectures. Despite the global challenges of the day, I recognize opportunities to build on what has been achieved thus far by setting a work plan for the coming period that includes the following:
• Global Map of Pathology Events: The IAP website hosts a webpage that maps all the educational events that are sponsored by IAP’s 57 divisions. I invite you to share this information with us to spread the word around to our membership. Many of these events can be highly beneficial to all and especially to those from under-served communities.
• Establishing Social Media Subcommittee: The plan is underway to form a social media subcommittee, the primary purpose of which is to establish a rich network of communications by utilizing social media. The use of the latter to reach to a wider audience to advertise and promote IAP sponsored educational activities has been proven to be effective. This trend should be adopted within our communications network.
• Creating New Collaborations: There are ongoing discussions to establish new collaborations with other pathology organizations that share with IAP common objective in promoting education in pathology. Partnership with such organization will bring mutual benefits to both. Examples include the European Society of Pathology & Digital Pathology Association.
• Sustaining Financial Support to Divisions & Bursaries: IAP remains committed to support the educational activities that are sponsored by its Divisions in under-served communities. Moreover, it will continue to provide bursaries to trainees from these countries to attend international pathology congresses and meetings, such as IAP biennial congress.
• Educational Calendar: The success of any organization is dependent to a good extent on the engagement of its membership. Therefore I invite you to forward to my attention any suggestions for programs or educational themes that fulfill their expectations.
These are challenging but exciting times and let us work together to advance the mission of IAP. With my kindest regards and respectfully,
Ghazi Zaatari, MD
Chair, Education Committee
March 2021