1968-1969 Joshua L. Edwards, USA
Joshua L. Edwards
IAP President 1968-1969
Josh Edwards was born in 1918 in Jasper, Florida and died 14 January 1991 in Indianapolis, Florida.
He graduated MD from the Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, Louisiana in 1943. As was the custom of that period, he moved from one training position to another until he obtained a permanent position as Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (1956-1967). He then moved to Indiana and remained there as Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana until retirement in 1979. In 1964, Josh was Chairman of the Pathology Committee of the National Board of Medical Examiners. His primary research was in the area of experimental pathology and immunopathology. While President, he helped guide the International Academy of Pathology into its development as a divisional organization, and helped write a new constitution which in essence established the Academy structure as it is now.