Constitution Appendix E

Assembly Procedures

Assemblies of the International Academy of Pathology

IAP Assemblies approved by IAP Council* (Constitution Article VI-Assemblies) include members of regional IAP Divisions and non-divisional members within a defined geographic area or may have links based on linguistic or cultural affinities. Assemblies engage in activities appropriate to their area for furthering the goals of the International Academy of Pathology as stipulated by the IAP Constitution. These activities include educational programs for under-served area pathologists, support for extra Divisional activities and also, where appropriate, convening an IAP Assembly Congress in alternate years to the global IAP Congress.

Assembly Officers

  1. Convenor – A convenor be elected for a 4 year term by the Presidents of the IAP Divisions that are part of the Assembly. The Convenor convenes and chairs meetings of the Assembly.
  2. Secretary - A Secretary shall be elected for a 4 year term that alternates each 2 years with the Convenor’s term for purposes of continuity of Assembly activities.
  3. IAP Assembly Executive Committee – member IAP Divisions shall provide a representative (President or Secretary) to act as a member of the Assembly Executive Committee.
  4. IAP Assembly Executive shall provide recommendations for Vice Presidents from its member Divisions to the IAP Secretary for forwarding to the IAP Nominating Committee 3 months before International Congresses.


  1. The Assembly shall convene regular administrative meetings, one of which may be held at the IAP Global Biennial Congress and one at the IAP Assembly Congress, in addition to such meetings as are necessary to conduct its affairs. Minutes of these meetings shall be sent to the IAP Secretary.
  2. The Assembly shall select a location for its “alternate year” Assembly Congress sufficiently in advance for the hosting Division to make necessary arrangements. Decisions regarding this Congress shall be made at an Assembly Executive Committee meeting convened by the Assembly Convenor.
  3. The Assembly Executive shall follow IAP Bylaws in its activities as approved by the International Academy of Pathology with appropriate communications provided by the Assembly Secretary.
  4. The Assembly may require a fee from those attending the Assembly Congresses to provide funding for IAP activities. The fee per Congress registrant shall be a separate Assembly Congress expenditure and shall be held in an account with authorized signing authority of the Convenor and Secretary of the Assembly and may be transferred to the IAP Treasurer at the conclusion of the Congress. This capitation fee may be allocated 2/3 to the IAP Assembly account and 1/3 to IAP Treasurer’s accounts for global IAP operations.

Ray McMahon, September 2018

Secretary International Academy of Pathology