Constitution Appendix A

Education Committee

The President according to IAP Bylaws Chapter VI – Committees, paragraph 3, with approval of the International Council, has appointed the IAP Education Committee consisting of up to 17 members (San Francisco 1999, amended Cologne 2016). Members include the Chair (4 year term, renewable), Ex-officio members: President, Past President, President Elect and Secretary and up to 12 members appointed for 4 year terms, renewable, to represent the global regions, assemblies and divisions. The Education Committee is established to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee and the Council. The Chair of the Education Committee shall be ex officio a non-voting Officer of the IAP.

Terms of Reference

This Committee is established to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee and Council.

The Committee is charged with identifying educational and scientific needs in underserved geographic areas. This can be achieved through close interaction with the Assemblies of IAP worldwide and by including appropriate representatives of the Assemblies in the Committee membership.

It is further charged with the responsibility to arrange, supervise, audit, and evaluate educational programs, that are responsive to these needs, and that are supplemental to the offerings of the biennial Congresses of the International Academy and of the IAP Assemblies.

With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Committee is empowered to recommend and select lecturers, faculty, course directors, and moderators for structured presentations such as symposia, courses, and lectures, as will most appropriately satisfy the educational and scientific needs of the sponsored didactic programs.

There will be funding within the Biennial Budget at a level to be determined by the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Committee/International Council for the delivery of the activities of the Education Committee.

Bids for funding for individual projects should be made to the Chair of the Education Committee (copied to the Secretary of the IAP). Details are available on the Education page of the IAP website at

The Committee is required to provide an annual written report to the Executive Committee and Council.

Ray McMahon, September 2018

Secretary International Academy of Pathology