Constitution Appendix C

International Organizing Committee

In accordance with IAP Bylaws Chapter V - Meetings, sections 6 to 9, the Executive Committee shall appoint an Organizing Committee for each International Congress to include representatives of the host country.

The President of the Academy shall appoint the President for each International Congress.

The Organizing Committee for each International Congress shall:

a) select the specific subjects and the invited speakers

b) approve the budget. The Congress budget shall include in addition to items stipulated, a final report of Congress expenditures with a 50/50 split of any surplus for approval of the International Organizing Committee and the IAP Executive Committee

c) appoint a local arrangements committee (the Local Organizing Committee).

d) appoint such other committees, as it deems appropriate.

International Organizing Committee Membership

The International Congress Organizing Committee is made up from IAP Officers who are ex-officio members, the upcoming Congress President and three (3) members from the Local Congress Committee or adjacent Divisions as named by the Congress President. Past Congress Presidents and the future Congress President may also participate in discussions. The ex-officio members are: Past-President, President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.

Ray McMahon, September 2018

Secretary International Academy of Pathology